In cooperation with the Herzog August Bibliothek, the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach will show selected works offering an overview of the Codex Foundation’s 15-year history of supporting artist’s books. The exhibition focuses on artists whose books have been presented at Codex book fairs and whose multifaceted works are representative of the artist’s book genre.

What is an artist’s book? What can it teach us? What does the ‘bound book’ format offer in terms of the conceptual preparation and material execution of such works? Experience has shown that these questions can be asked of the genre from decade to decade. The enormous diversity of approaches and intentions are what makes the rediscovery of the artist’s book so alluring. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to make a comparative assessment.


Dr Felix Schwenke, Mayor of Offenbach am Main

Prof. Peter Burschel, Director of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

Dr Stefan Soltek, Director of the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main


Friday, 12 March, 3 pm
The artist’s book – What’s that got to do with me?
In place of an exhibition opening, Martina Weiss and Stefan Soltek will interview Vienna gallerist Susanne Padberg, Darmstadt-based bookbinder Riccarda Rau and Monika Jäger, book artist and doctoral candidate in the field of artist’s books.

Sunday 21 March, 6 pm
Friedrich Hölderlin, 250th birthday
First showing of a film focusing on the artist’s book exhibition

Friday, 7 May, 2 pm
Discussion of current book art with Elke Purpus, Kunst-und Museumsbibliothek Köln (Art and Museum Library, Cologne), Stephanie Jacobs, Buch- und Schriftmuseum Leipzig (German Museum of Books and Writing, Leipzig) and Peter Burschel, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel


Opening hours

Tue, Thu, Fri: 1 to 6 pm; Wed: 2 to 7 pm; Sat, Sun, holidays 11 am to 6 pm; closed 10 April, 1 May, 28 May, 29 May

Klingspor Museum Offenbach
Herrnstraße 8, Büsing Palais
63065 Offenbach am Main
Telephone: (069) 8065 – 2164 and – 2954
E-mail: ed.hc1739489732abnef1739489732fo@mu1739489732esumr1739489732opsgn1739489732ilk1739489732


Please note that participation is dependent on current Covid regulations at the time of the event. We are attempting to offer every event live on the internet or to make it available shortly afterwards.

Please visit the homepage or phone (069) 80 652 164 ahead of time to find out how the individual events can be attended. You will receive a link allowing you to participate online.

© Illustration – Design: Uwe Loesch; Motif: Victoria Bean, Helvetica Poems, 2008