Doctoral Fellowships

Dr. Günther Findel-Stiftung / Rolf und Ursula Schneider-Stiftung

Annual application deadlines: April 1 and October 1.

Thanks to the initiatives by private foundations (Dr. Günther Findel-Stiftung/Rolf und Ursula Schneider-Stiftung) fellowships programmes for doctoral candidates have been established at the Herzog August Bibliothek. These programmes are open to applicants from Germany and abroad and from all disciplines.

Applicants may apply for a fellowship of between 2 and 10 months, if research on their dissertation topic necessitates the use of the Wolfenbüttel holdings. The fellowship is € 1.300 per month. Fellowship holders are housed in library accommodation for the duration of the fellowship and pay the rent from their fellowship. There is also an allowance of € 100 per month to cover costs of copying, reproductions etc. Candidates can apply for a travel allowance if no funds are available to them from other sources.

Candidates who already hold fellowships (eg. state or college awards or grants from Graduiertenkollegs) or are employed can apply for a rent subsidy (€ 550) to help finance their stay in Wolfenbüttel.

New: Thanks to generous financial support by the Anna Vorwerk-Stiftung, the monthly fellowship will be increased by € 150 per month until further notice.

Please request an application form, which details all the documents that need to be submitted, at ed.ba1739567425h@gnu1739567425hcsro1739567425f1739567425. Reviewers will be appointed to evaluate the applications. The Board of Trustees of the foundations will decide on the award.

Application deadlines: October 1st or April 1st. The Board holds its selection meetings in February and July. Successful applicants can take up the award from April 1st or October 1st onwards each year.

If you send your applications by mail, please submit only unstapled documents and no folders.

You can find more information about the foundation here.


Fellowship Programme Expanded: Footnote Fund

Former holders of fellowships from the foundations can apply for further financial support. The Footnote Fund supports scholars who are either at the final stage of their doctorate or are working on the revision for the publication and wish to return to the library for a short stay – for example, should they need to review or add further source material. The fellowship is € 500 for Germans and € 750 for international applicants. Please request an application form at ed.ba1739567425h@gnu1739567425hcsro1739567425f1739567425.

This expansion to the doctoral programme was made possible thanks to the generous response to an appeal for financial support launched on the occasion of the anniversary of the Dr. Günther Findel-Stiftung in 2013. Further contributions are of course welcome.





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NFDI4Memory FAIR Data Fellowships

Currently no applications are accepted

Every FAIR Data Fellowship is endowed with 1,500 Euros and lasts for one month. During this time, the fellows work independently on a data set from their own project. While doing so, each of the fellows will receive advice and support from experts in research data management from one of the five implementing institutions. They will receive guidance to topics such as the FAIR-principles, suitable structuring possibilities, as well as advice about the appropriate repositories for the publication of their research data. At the end of the fellowships, fellows should have a structured dataset ready for publication. Fellows will share their experience with the historical community—for example, by writing a blog post.

The American Friends of the HAB Grants

Travel grants for research at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, Germany

The American Friends of the HAB offers travel grants of up to $2,000 to assist U.S. citizens (or permanent U.S. residents) who are in the process of writing dissertations based on the rich collections of the Herzog August Bibliothek. Such travel grants are also available to early career scholars up to three years after they officially receive the doctoral degree. The Executive Committee of the American Friends of the Herzog August Bibliothek makes the choice of successful applicants. The competition is open to U.S. graduate students/early career scholars in all the fields in which the HAB has significant holdings. The travel grants may be used in conjunction with a fellowship from the library or other funding. The applicant’s stay at the HAB made possible by the travel grant is expected to last for a minimum of four weeks to allow enough time for work with the collection.
Application: Candidates may either apply directly, or students may be nominated by their doctoral advisers. All recent PhDs should apply directly. The application should include the application form, a one-page project description, an endorsement, and a travel budget detailing specific amounts for air and/or rail travel and intended dates of travel. Your budget should also indicate the amount of any other funding you will be receiving in connection with your visit to Wolfenbüttel. Applications will be accepted throughout the year.

AFHAB Conference Attendance Support

Early career scholars (PhD candidates and scholars up to three years after PhD) who have had papers accepted that are based on research at the HAB to be given at the annual conferences of the Renaissance Society of America or the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference may apply or the triannual FNI conference may apply for an up to $750 subsidy to help cover the cost of attending. This program is open to U.S. citizens (or permanent U.S. residents). Applicants must provide proof of official acceptance of their papers by the conference organizers and will be reimbursed when the conference has taken place. There will be a maximum of four awards per year for each conference. Please do not apply until your panel has been accepted.

For the application form, questions, or nominations for both grants, contact Prof. Dr. Beth Plummer (The University of Arizona): ude.a1739567425nozir1739567425a@BAH1739567425FA1739567425.