New Database Information System DBIS
The database information system DBIS has been shining in a new design since October 15, 2024! With the latest version, the layout and user interface have been completely redesigned to give you a more modern and intuitive user experience. It is now not only available in German, but also in English.
A summary of information and resources relating to Ukraine
General information from the State of Lower Saxony and the ‘Niedersachsen packt an’ (Lower Saxony on the Case) alliance
In addition to an overview of support options for Ukrainian academics and librarians (as of 6 September 2022), the Research Gateway to Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (Osmikon) also offers an overview of journalistic news stories.
Additionally, the Research Gateway has also acquired collections of sources relating to the parliamentary and presidential elections in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, which are accessible for free under national licence in Germany.
The Stadtbibliothek München (Munich Municipal Library) presents a comprehensive collection of reliable sources of information as well as tips on how to recognise fake news.
Volunteers from all over the world are collaborating online to digitise and preserve Ukrainian cultural heritage as part of the Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) project.
Further information regarding support for Ukrainian librarians can be found in an overview provided by the American Library Association’s Library History Round Table.
You can also take advantage of publications on Ukraine held by the HAB.
New databases
As part of our plan to expand the HAB’s electronic offerings, we have added the following databases and e-book packages to the HAB portfolio:
- Digital Loeb Classical Library: The volumes in the Loeb Classical Library are now available online. The resources are updated twice annually and can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information on how to use the library can be found at Print versions of the volumes in the Loeb Classical Library can be found under the shelf marks AL 19-0500 (Greek volumes) and AL 26-0300 (Latin volumes) in the Zeughaus’s open stacks.
- Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik Online: The Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik (Historical Dictionary of Rhetoric) is now available online. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information regarding the resource can be found at All twelve volumes of the print version of the dictionary can be found in the Zeughaus’s open stacks under the shelf mark GE 15-1020.
- Munzinger Online / Personen and Munzinger Online / Länder: The Internationales Biographisches Archiv (International Biographical Archive) and the Internationales Handbuch: Länder (International Handbook: Countries) (both in German) are updated regularly. This material can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information about the resource can be found at This resource replaces the printed loose-leaf collection, which is no longer available.
- Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (Lexicon for Church and Religious Law): The lexicon is now also available online. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information on the resource can be found at All four volumes of the printed lexicon can be found in the Zeughaus´s open stacks under the shelf mark RV 25-0100.)
- Globalgeschichte der Lyrik (Global History of Poetry): This four-volume reference work traces the history of poetry through the centuries. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth.
- GD – Wörterbuch Altgriechisch-Deutsch Online (GD – Dictionary Ancient Greek-German Online): Franco Montanari´s lexicon of the ancient Greek language (GI. Vocabolario della Lingua Greca) is now available in German translation. The dictionary is updated regularly. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information can be found at The print version of the dictionary can be found in the Zeughaus´s open stacks under the shelf mark KA 96-6143.
- Encyclopedia of Jewish-Christian Relations Online: The database is still under development. About 200 entries on the history of Jewish-Christian relations are planned. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information can be found at
- Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik (Lexicon of Bible Hermeneutics): The lexicon complements the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online, which can also be found in the HAB´s inventory. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information can be found at The print version of the The Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik can be found in the Augusta´s open stacks under shelf mark TH 26-7510.
- Theologische Realenzyklopädie Online: The 36 volumes of the encyclopaedia are now also available online. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth. Additional information can be found at The print version can be found in the Augusta´s open stacks under shelf mark TH 02-1512.
- Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie Online (Historical Dictionary of Philosophy Online): The 13 printed volumes of the dictionary published between 1971 and 2007 can be found in the Zeughaus´s open stacks under shelf mark PH 01-1140. The online edition has been updated with several hundred corrections. It can be accessed outside the HAB via Shibboleth.
New e-books/e-book packages
- Newly acquired e-books from Mohr Siebeck publishers can be researched using the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).
- The e-book packages „Early Modern History and Modern History“ from Brill publishers, the Oxford Handbooks Online for History, Literature and Classical Studies as well as the newly acquired e-books from Walter de Gruyter publishers can now be researched using the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).
Special databases and directories
Biographical databases
- Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Electronic journal library, EZB)
- DigiZeitschriften: Das deutsche digitale Zeitschriftenarchiv (The German digital archive of journals)
Online databases, CD-ROMs, internet resources by subject
- Access to DBIS – Database Information System
- Access to the journal archive JSTOR
- Access to the Arkyves database
- Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library)
- Europeana
- Archivportal-D
- Subject-specific overview of links, databases and microfiche collections
- CD-ROM databases, online databases, locally available CD-ROMs and microfiche collections
- WBB-Wolfenbütteler Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Buchwesens (Wolfenbüttel bibliography for the history of the book trade)
Digital resources
All the resources listed here can also be accessed freely and without charge – a HAB user card is not required. Additional HAB licences can be accessed from home by registered users with the help of their library cards.
Information about Covid-19 and strategies for dealing with it
- List of links provided by the Berufsverband Information Bibliothek e.V. (BIB) (German Library and Information Professionals Association) (in German)
- Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
- Cambridge Core Coronavirus Free Access Collection
- ZB Med’s COVID-19 Hub
General resources
- Free databases in the DBIS (Database Information System – in German)
- DBIS collection organised by subject (some free, others available with an extended licence)
- Europeana Collections
- OAPEN Open Access E-Books
- Open Access E-Books offered by the Library of Congress
E-books and journals produced by the De Gruyter and Brill publishing houses and licensed by the HAB as well as the JSTOR archive and the MGG Online database can be accessed from home by registered users with library cards via Shibboleth.
Prometheus digital image archive
HAB users can access the Prometheus digital image archive from home. Please register here and click on ‘Free access via your institution’. You will then receive an e-mail asking you to verify your registration. To complete your registration, please contact Saskia Jorzenuk at ed.ba1737642091h@kun1737642091ezroj1737642091, who will then activate your account.
Search engine tutorial offered by the Universität Bielefeld
Information regarding the use of electronic media outside the HAB
The HAB offers its users access to licensed electronic media outside the physical library by means of the Shibboleth log-in system, which works from any internet connection.
At present, the following providers/platforms can be accessed using the Shibboleth log-in system:
- De Gruyter
- Brill
- Cambridge University Press – Cambridge Core
- Oxford University Press – Oxford Journals
- MGG Online – Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
- Nomos eLibrary
- Taylor & Francis e-books and journals
- Liverpool University Press
- Manchester University Press – manchester hive
- Meiner eLibrary
- Mohr Siebeck
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht eLibrary
- Wiley Online Library
- Franz Steiner Verlag
Additional electronic resource providers are to be added and listed here.
Shibboleth allows users to authenticate themselves for the provider. No personal data is transmitted – a verification process simply confirms the user’s membership of the institution and whether he or she is entitled to access the resource.
- Registration process:
- Select the Shibboleth log-in method on the provider’s website (or the ‘log-in via an institution’ option). Select ‘Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel’ from the list of institutions. You may have to first select the country (Deutschland, Germany) to proceed.
- You will be directed to the log-in page of the Herzog August Bibliothek, where you can enter your user number and password.
- After a successful log-in and check of your access rights, you will be redirected to the selected resource, which you may now use.
- Your log-in is retained and can be used for other Shibboleth applications (cookies will be set) as long as the browser remains open. When you have finished your session, please close the browser – especially if you are working from devices that are accessible by the public – so that unauthorised persons cannot access your data.
Electronic journals library
The HAB’s electronic journals can be accessed via the EZB electronic journals library.
Online accessibility is denoted by the EZB traffic-light system:
freely accessible
accessible only to users within the Herzog August Bibliothek
not accessible
issues from certain years are only accessible to users within the Herzog August Bibliothek
Tip: although certain journals may not be accessible, tables of contents, abstracts and/or individual issues are often available.
Please note that it is not possible to search for articles using the EZB!
Database information system
The HAB databases can be accessed via the DBIS database information system.
Accessibility is denoted by means of icons:
The database is freely accessible via the internet
The database is accessible for HAB users
The CD/DVD database can be accessed or loaned on a single-user computer
A national licence valid for the whole of Germany (only accessible in the library)
CD-ROM databases
CD-ROM databases available on the HAB network
The CD-ROM databases on the HAB network can also be accessed from home via the Citrix Client. Online databases, journals and e-books can only be accessed within the library.
The HAB offers access to the JSTOR journals archive.
The following collections have been licensed:
Arts & Sciences I–X
Instructions for using JSTOR can be found here (in English) or by downloading the JSTOR Quick Start Guide (PDF, English).
Digizeitschriften: Das deutsche digitale Zeitschriftenarchiv
In the Digizeitschriften journals archive you will find digitised versions of key journals relating to German research. A ‘moving wall’ has been applied to these journals, meaning that the print issues of these journals were published months or years in the past. All of the journals available on Digizeitschriften are listed in the EZB and are accessible there to HAB users.
The HAB’s e-books are listed in the HAB online catalogue and can be accessed within the physical space of library. Access to them can be obtained via the relevant publisher platform from the IP addresses assigned to the Herzog August Bibliothek
Please adhere to copyright law when using electronic resources. You may only save and print information for your own use. Systematic downloads are not permitted. You may not transfer any such information to unauthorised third parties.
Last updated: 3 November 2023