Help (FAQ) Repo HAB
Help (Questions and answers) Repository of the Herzog August Bibliothek (HAB)
What is the repository of the Herzog August Bibliothek?
The repository is a platform on which digital resources are made available to the public. The Herzog August Bibliothek repository provides access to the library's publications and research data. Later, digital editions and other media will also be added or linked to. The repository is based on the open source software DSpace.
Users of the Specialized Information Service for Book Studies, Library and Information Science (Fachinformationsdienst Buch-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft) have access to resources of the FID BBI.
Where can I find research data from the Herzog August Bibliothek?
Research data produced at the Herzog August Bibliothek are published in the collection Forschungsdaten / Research Data. The collection is located in the community Herzog August Bibliothek.
For a transitional period, research data from the HAB will also be available on the predecessor of the repository, the HAB's GitLab. The data will remain available there and will be linked; versioning will ensure that the data can be distinguished.
Where can I find publications from the institutional publishing house of the Herzog August Bibliothek?
Publications from the library's institutional publishing house can be found in the collection Publikationen / Publications. The collection is located in the community Herzog August Bibliothek.
How do I search in the repository?
Search terms can be entered using the search toolbars that can be found on the homepage and in the header. Search terms can be truncated with an asterisk symbol * to find all endings of the beginning of a word (for example, the truncated search term "Mela*" will find "Melanchthon" or "Melancholy"). All sources are searched by default. The metadata of the items and – if technically possible – the files are searched. The sorting of the displayed results can be set in the left-hand column.
How can I narrow down my results?
Search results can be narrowed down using the filters in the left-hand column. There are four filter options available: Author, subject, year of publication and whether the item has files. You can also select a community or collection directly to the left of the search bar to limit the search. The default setting in this field is Search all.
Why are not all publications of the institutional publishing house of the Herzog August Bibliothek available in the repository?
Not all of the publisher's publications are subject to an open access license and can be made freely available on the repository. The older publications will be made available successively, depending on the rights clearance. Some of the more recent publications will only be made freely available after a specified period of time.
What does the lock symbol in front of a file name mean?
Some resources can only be made freely available after a specified period of time. This embargo is indicated by a closed lock in front of the file name. Once the time limit has expired, the files are automatically released.
What do the statistics mean?
Item views and file downloads are recorded separately and displayed as statistical information. The items, authors and subjects with the most frequent views and downloads can be called up under Statistics. It is also possible to see from which countries the accesses are made.
ho can I contact if I have further questions?
For the Herzog August Library: ed.ba1739093158h@ope1739093158r1739093158
For the FID BBI: ed.ba1739093158h@dif1739093158