The partners in this project were the working group AG Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (SDD), within which the HAB is responsible for the 17th century, the Verbundzentrale des Gemeinsamen Bibliotheksverbundes (Head Office of the Common Library Network, GBV) and the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum (University Library Service Centre, hbz). Scattered and easily accessible digitised entries from numerous relevant scholarly projects were collected and standardised. The goal was to enable swift and complete access to digital collections, data about titles and structures, and full texts that can be read electronically. The portal can be accessed here.
Moreover, the library is part of the DFG initiative to promote mass digitisation. It has been involved here in the development of the ‘DFG Viewer’ within the context of the dünnhaupt digital project. The goal was to produce an identical viewer for all DFG projects in order to provide researchers with standardised access to the digitised entries created during these projects. The viewer is supplied with material by the library’s OAI interface (METS). The format of the viewer was designed to be compatible with the zvdd. Users can take advantage of the viewer to access printed works at the HAB by clicking on a URL in VD 17 (e.g. 23:278152X). It is also used for HAB titles entered in the zvdd. The project page for the viewer gives information on how far the work has progressed and can be accessed via the following link: DFG-Viewer
Funding: DFG
Team member: Dr Thomas Stäcker