The new Herzog August Bibliothek online platform for publications is launching in style with unlimited… ...
moreIn addition to the online catalogue of the available library holdings (OPAC), the subject information, the electronic media and other collection catalogues of the Herzog August Bibliothek, the Wolfenbüttel Digital Library (WDB) with its digitized historical collections, digital editions, databases, portals and other sources can be found here.
The new Herzog August Bibliothek online platform for publications is launching in style with unlimited… ...
moreVarious standards are used to index and catalogue the holdings in depth, conduct research on… ...
moreWebsites have created for the various research and in-depth cataloguing projects with links to their… ...
moreThe databases compiled in the course of research projects at the HAB will be published… ...
moreThe HAB’s Wolfenbüttel Digital Library (WDB) offers a support and publication infrastructure for digital editions.… ...
moreIn the Wolfenbüttel Digital Library (WDB) you can access especially rare, outstanding and/or frequently used… ...
moreFor your research you can obtain access to literature and media organised in terms of… ...
moreThe HAB’s old holdings are listed not only in the OPAC online catalogue but also… ...
moreInformation about manuscripts can be found in the manuscript database in the form of digitised… ...
moreAlongside the online catalogue, a number of other specialised catalogues offer a more sophisticated means… ...