The aim of the Wolfenbüttel online consultancy service is to allow the library’s users to view individual pages (such as cover pages, pages containing illustrations, textual variations, etc.) from manuscripts and printed works via a webcam in order to quickly answer specific research questions in an uncomplicated and direct manner. Leafing through entire books is not possible. Artist’s books and holdings from the special collections are excluded from this service.

You can utilise the online consultancy service by making an appointment via the library’s information service – tel.: +49 (0)5331/808-312; e-mail: ed.ba1739450905h@tfn1739450905uksua1739450905. Just specify the shelf marks and titles of the books you would like to view. Then at a pre-arranged time you open the page with the webcam prompt and dial the number +49 (0)5331/808-118. Our staff will be available for you and can leaf through the relevant pages on request and give you further information about the book. If you have not got in touch within 15 minutes of the arranged appointment, your time slot will be cancelled and we would ask you to make a new appointment if you so wish. Please bear in mind that for conservatorial reasons certain printed works or manuscripts cannot be shown.

If you wish to make copies of the pages on screen, click on the picture and press the right mouse button. Then you can use the ‘Save image as …’ function on your browser (the exact wording may vary between browsers) to copy a JPEG onto your hard drive. Please observe the conditions of use when you do so. Do get in touch with our information service if you have any further questions – we’ll be happy to help.


Auskunft und Benutzung
Telefon: 05331 808-312
E-Mail: ed.ba1739450905h@tfn1739450905uksua1739450905