Mirela Altić (Zagreb)
Geographical and Cartographical Knowledge in Jesuit Education (1599-1773) with Special Regard to German Colleges
Elisabeth Ansel (Jena)
Bildlichkeit und Translation. Zur Eigenwirksamkeit Ossianischer Bilder im illustratorischen Kontext
Davide Bagnardi (Rom)
Intellectual Mystics at Helfta: Mechtilde of Hackeborn’s Liber Specialis Gratiae, Study on the Historical Context
Laura Beck Varela (Madrid)
The Contest for Women’s Degrees in Eighteenth-Century Universities: A Study and Edition of De Mulierum Doctoratu Apologetica Legalis-Historica Dissertatio (Bologna, 1722)
Álvaro A. Bragança Junior (Rio de Janeiro)
Comenius: Die sichtbare Welt (1658). Eine Begleitstudie zur kommentierten Übersetzung ins Portugiesische
Anthony Bruder (Utrecht)
Polyglot Reading and European Identity: Production, Use and Symbolic Value of Romances, 1500-1700
Gabriel Byng (Wien)
Space and Spacelessness in the Works of Henry Suso
Kirill Chepurin (Hamburg)
The Imaginaries of Scale in Philosophy and Science, ca. 1584-1755
Jan Ciglbauer (Prag)
Liedkulturen Norddeutschlands im 15. Jahrhundert zwischen Kloster und Universität
Frederick Crofts (Tübingen)
Marcus zum Lamm’s Thesaurus Picturarum: Images, Subjectivity and the World in Calvinist Heidelberg c. 1600/The Age of the Art Lovers: Affective Communities and Cultural Exchange at German Courts c. 1580-1650
Magdalena Herman (Warschau)
Printing imperial splendour. The attribution and dating oft he late 16th-century editions of The Triumphal Procession of Pope Clement VII and Emperor Charles V after the coronation at Bologna on 24 February 1530
Arnold Conway Hunt (Nashville)
The shadow side of book collecting: the concept of bibliomania in European culture, 1600-1800
Tea Karchava (Tbilisi)
Georgia in the Fifteenth Century European World
Martina Kastnerová (Pilsen)
Early Modern intellectual elites of Central Europe and their influence on the Sidney circle and Philip Sidneys concept of poesy
Hyun-Ah Kim (Amsterdam)
Music, Rhetoric and Christian Hebraism in Early Modern Europe: Reuchlin’s Reconstruction oft he Modulata Recitatio
Giovanni Lista (Florenz)
Translating Fontenelle: Johann Christoph Gottsched’s Gespräche von mehr als einer Welt (1726) as a scientific encyclopaedia
Concetta Pennuto (Tours)
Auscultate and listen to the patients, document their histories in Padua Early Modern Medicine: What about women?
Jennifer Powell McNutt (Wheaton)
The Bible of Refugees: A History of the Early Modern French Protestant Bible, 1535-1805
Frances Rothwell Hughes (Cambridge)
Violent Varietas: Grotesque Ornament and Battle in the Northern Renaissance
Neil Safier (Providence)
Pushing Back the Anthropocene: Technologies of Registration and Historical Ecology in Early Modern Amazonia
Felix Schlichter (London)
Enrico Noris and Ancient Christian Heresies in Early Modern Historiography
Selene Vatteroni (Neapel)
Die französische Verssatire und scherzhafte Dichtung der frühen Neuzeit im Spiegel der zeitgenössischen italienischen Modelle: Grundlage für eine gattungstheoretische und literaturhistorische Darstellung
Ivo Wolsing (Leiden)
Parsing the paratext of Walter of Châtillon’s Alexandreis