August 09, 2023

Dr. Stephanie Leitch studied art history and received her PhD from the University of Chicago in 2005. She has been an associate professor at Florida State University since 2011. Her latest book, Early Modern Print Media and the Art of Observation: Training a Literate Eye (Cambridge University Press), is currently in the publication process and will be available next year.

Leitch led and organized the HAB’s 2023 summer course, “Early Modern Visual Data: Organizing Knowledge in Printed Books,” which allowed 15 participants to engage for two weeks in an interdisciplinary program that not only took place in the HAB’s facilities, but also incorporated the historical holdings as much as possible.

In this episode, Stephanie Leitch describes how she approached the course, which topics were covered, and which guests were invited.

More information about the 45th International Wolfenbüttel Summer Course: “Early Modern Visual Data: Organizing Knowledge in Printed Books”

More information about Dr. Stephanie Leitch:

More information about the story of Ulrich Neusesser and Philipp Hainhofer’s travelogue to Eichstätt can be found in this video on our YouTube channel.


„HAB gehört“ is a production of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Funded by: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM)NEUSTART KULTURKulturstiftung der Länder and the funding project KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN.

Editing and production: Marie Adler and Alexandra Serjogin

Sound design and post production: Klingebiel Creative

Photography: Marek Kruszewski